

Test data







Free Input Data




A number of datasets which provide observation data and/or background atmospheric estimates for WRFDA can be downloaded directly from the CISL Research Data Archive (RDA) web site. This page lists several useful datasets from that archive, as well as some other useful data sources. All data sets listed on this page are free for users to download.

CISL RDA Background datasets

These data sets can be used with the WRF Pre-processing System to generate first guess (background) files for use in WRFDA.
The details of each dataset (domain, timespan, etc.) may change, click the links to see the most up-to-date descriptions of each dataset.

CISL RDA Observation datasets

The following observation data sets can be directly assimilated with WRFDA:

Other radiance datasets

The following observation data sets are not maintained by NCAR groups, but can be assimilated directly by WRFDA without any preprocessing:

    • A number of different observation data, including:
      • Raw radiance data from several instruments:
        • Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS)
        • Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) and Unit-B (AMSU-B)
        • High resolution InfraRed Sounder-3 (HIRS-3) and 4 (HIRS-4)
        • Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI)
        • Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS)
        • Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI)
      • Conventional observations are from land, ocean, and upper-air platforms
      • GPS Radio Occultation data
    • Radiance observations are in WMO BUFR format (assimilated directly into WRFDA utilizing a Radiative Transfer Model), conventional observations in NCEP PREPBUFR format (also assimilated directly into WRFDA)
    • Available online for one year prior to current date. Older data can be accessed through the NOMADS website.
  • JAXA GCOM-W1 AMSR2 data (free account required: Sign in/Sign up link, Download link)
    • Observations from the JAXA GCOM-W1 AMSR2 instrument in HDF5 format.
    • Products that can be used in WRFDA are brightness temperature (TBR) and cloud water (CLW)
    • From "Download link" above, click:
      AMSR2 -> YEAR -> YYYY.MM -> L1 -> L1R -> 2 (for TBR)
      AMSR2 -> YEAR -> YYYY.MM -> L2 -> CLW -> 2 (for CLW)
    • See the user's guide for information on how to compile WRFDA with HDF5 support.

Other observation datasets

The following observation data sets require some additional processing before being assimilated with WRFDA:

Other datasets

The NCEP FTP site contains a large amount of realtime and near-realtime data for and output from their various operational models. However, the site is very difficult to navigate, and documentation is scant! There is some useful guidance available at this page.

Converting alternative observation formats to LITTLE_R: