WRADS Presentations
Selected recent presentations
Hazardous weather communication in the modern information environment; by Rebecca Morss (September 2017); at Message Impossible? Communicating Weather Information in the Digital Age, a National Meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
Information as intervention: How can hurricane risk communication reduce vulnerability?; by Heather Lazrus (January 2017); at American Meteorological Society annual meeting
Examining the dynamic ways that people evaluate and respond to evolving hurricane risks; by Julie Demuth (January 2017); at American Meteorological Society annual meeting
A new approach to understanding and quantifying storm surge predictability; by Rebecca Morss (January 2017); at American Meteorological Society annual meeting
Communication, interpretation, and use of information about extreme weather risks: Hurricane Sandy and beyond; by Rebecca Morss (March 2016); at Columbia University
Risk communication, assessment, and responses for extreme weather events; by Julie Demuth (February 2016); at NCAR
Communicating hurricane and storm surge risks in the modern information environment; by Rebecca Morss (January 2016); at American Meteorological Society Special Symposium on Hurricane Katrina
Understanding dynamic communication, risk perception, and decisions during Hurricane Sandy through analysis of Twitter data; by Julie Demuth (December 2015); at Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting
On island time: Prediction and experience of extreme events on the front lines of climate change; by Heather Lazrus (November 2015); at American Anthropological Association annual meeting
Improving communication of weather forecast uncertainty: A path forward; by Rebecca Morss (June 2015); at Using ECMWF’s Forecasts 2015: Quantifying and Communicating Uncertainty
“Drought is a relative term”: Drought risk perceptions and water management preferences among diverse community members in the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer; by Heather Lazrus (March 2015); at Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting
Understanding communication, interpretation, and use of weather forecasts and warnings; by Rebecca Morss (February 2015); at NCAR
Moving beyond “Have you experienced a tornado?”: Developing a valid scale of past experiences for tornado risks; by Julie Demuth (January 2015); at American Meteorological Society annual meeting
Societal aspects of severe local storms and current understanding of populations at risk; by Julie Demuth (February 2014); at American Meteorological Society Special Symposium on Severe Local Storms
Water decisions for sustainability: Drought and risk in south-central Oklahoma; by Heather Lazrus (February 2014); at American Meteorological Society annual meeting