Laboratory Office

Building Information

Main telephone number


Physical Address

MMM-NCAR, 3450 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301


MMM Directorate-NCAR, P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

Express shipping & deliveries

MMM Directorate-NCAR, 3090 Center Green Dr.
Boulder, CO 80301

Building locations

All building locations, maps, and directions.

Laboratory Contacts

Gretchen Mullendore: Laboratory Director [ ]

George Bryan: Deputy Director [ ]

Kathy Morgan: Laboratory Administrator [ ]

Nancy Sue Kerner: Administrative Assistant to the Director [ ]

Section Contacts

Capacity Center for Climate & Weather Extremes (C3WE)

James Done: Section Head [ ]

Ella Bronaugh: Administrative Assistant []

Dynamical and Physical Meteorology (DPM)

George Bryan: Section Head [ ]

Robyn Tye: Administrative Assistant [ ]

Prediction, Assimilation and Risk Communication (PARC)

Chris Snyder: Section Head [ ]

Ella Bronaugh: Administrative Assistant [ ]

Weather Modeling & Research (WMR)

Bill Skamarock: Section Head [ ]

Robyn Tye: Administrative Assistant [ ]