Sean Burns
Professional Interests
Boundary Layer Turbulence, Forest (Canopy) Flows, Tower Measurements, etc.
Journal Articles and Datasets (Primary Author)
Burns, S.P., J.M Frank, W.J. Massman, E.G. Patton, and P.D. Blanken, 2021: The effect of static pressure-wind covariance on vertical carbon dioxide exchange at a windy subalpine forest site. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 306, 108402, . Supporting Info (PDF)
PhD and Masters Theses
Burns, S.P.2018: The Influence of Warm-Season Precipitation on Water Cycling and the Surface Energy Budget within and just-above a Colorado Subalpine Forest in Mountainous Terrain: Measurements and Modeling, PhD Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 307 pp. (Primary Advisor: Dr. Peter Blanken) .
Conference Preprints, Posters, & Misc
Burns, S. P., 2022: Note from the Flux site: Winter at Niwot Ridge. Blog Post, AmeriFlux LBL Website
Journal Articles (Co-Authored)
Teets, A., D. J. P. Moore, M. R. Alexander, P. D. Blanken, G. Bohrer, S. P. Burns , and Coauthors, 2022: Coupling of tree growth and photosynthetic carbon uptake across six North American forests. Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences), 127, e2021JG006690, .