Mesoscale Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Excite Trade Cumulus Generation in North Atlantic Trades: Satellite Observations and Large Eddy Simulations
Xuanyu Chen
Apr. 25, 2024
2:00 – 3:00 pm MDT
Main content
Please join us in welcoming Xuanyu Chen, CIRES/NOAA PSL, for our upcoming MMM Seminar Series:
The intensification of thunderstorm straight line winds with climate change
MMM Seminar: Thursday, April 25 @ 2:00PM - FL2-1022, Large Auditorium
Refreshments 1:45PM
Please also join colleagues for refreshments and informal discussion after the seminar until 3:30PM.
This seminar will be hybrid, you may attend in-person or watch the live webcast.
Participants watching the live webcast may ask questions during the seminar via Slido.