The Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Laboratory (MMM) aims to benefit society by increasing an understanding and knowledge of the mesoscale (1–1000 km) and microscale (10-6 – 1000m) aspects of weather and climate.
MMM collaborates with other National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) labs to improve Earth-system predictability through researching the process and prediction surrounding mesoscale and microscale atmospheric phenomena. MMM also plays a central role in the atmospheric simulation capability across NCAR.
Our Models
We strive to produce the most accurate and effective computational models, data assimilation systems, and representations of unresolved weather and climate model processes
Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF)
A state of the art mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed for both atmospheric research and operational forecasting applications
Research Sections
We are focused on improving the ways in which we communicate atmospheric processes and predictions, in order to help others understand how advances in atmospheric science will benefit society
Our Forecasts
We utilize collaborations within NCAR and throughout the community to achieve more accurate mesoscale weather forecasts and climate prediction and projections. View our real-time forecasts below from various model output